
April 1st 2021

Earth Day

Every year, in the weeks leading up to Earth Day (April 22nd), various organizations hold festivals and outreach activities to encourage action and participation in initiatives that focus on the urgent need for environmental justice, sustainability, and climate solutions. April 22nd marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. The theme for Earth Day 2020 was climate action to demonstrate the support for environmental protection. Over 100 million people in 192 countries around the world took action to honor Earth Day’s 50th anniversary in what is being referred to as the largest online mass mobilization in history.

The Earth Day 2021 theme is Restore Our Earth and features five primary programs: The Canopy Project™, Food and Environment, Climate Literacy, the Global Earth Challenge, and The Great Global CleanUp®. Earth Day 2021 begins with a global youth climate summit led by Earth Uprising. On April 21, “Teach for planet: Global Education Summit” will be held by Educational International. During the 3rd day of the Earth Week, Biden administration will hold the Global Leaders Summit on Climate. Details of the Earth Day programs and live events can be found here.

March 31st 2021

Importance of land management in mitigating climate change

While the world seems poised to spend vast sums of ineffective global warming policies, it is important to bring together the best advice from leading experts on smart ways to address climate change. One of the solutions to the climate change problem is land management and agricultural practices. Land management is among the largest contributors to climate change. It is reported that agriculture is the only sector, which can transform from a CO2 emitter industry to a CO2 sink. According to numerous studies in the past decade, it is well understood that carbon can be stored in soil for a long-term (decades to centuries or more), which will benefit both the soil and the environment. This process is called carbon sequestration. In agriculture, carbon farming is a farming practice that involves implementing management practices, which are known to improve the rate of CO2 reduction and soil organic matter preservation. However, technical assistance for farmers and ranchers is a critical tool for scaling up the widespread adoption of climate-beneficial agricultural practices such as carbon farming.

March 26th 2021

NASA study shows clear sign of human activities’ impact on climate change

According to the most recent study by NASA, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, there is direct evidence showing the effects of human activities on global warming and climate change. This study is based on the data provided by Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) project. This project is dedicated to study the radiation that is absorbed and emitted by earth.

The general expectation is that the earth's atmosphere will absorb and emit the same level of energy. When there is an imbalance in the energy absorbed and emitted by earth’s atmosphere, it could influence the global temperature. Imagine if earth was covered in layers of ashes and clouds. It would reduce the absorption rate, which would cause an ice age. Recent study shows clear evidence of human activities and its impact on increasing the level of energy absorbed and trapped in earth atmosphere.

The researchers compared different factors that could impact the imbalance and the results show clear confirmation of human involvement in global warming. The study discovered that human activities are responsible for about 0.05 Watts per square feet. The study was based on observation from 2003 to 2018.

In their conclusion they contribute the effect mostly to greenhouse gases emissions from things like power generation, transport and industrial manufacturing, and reduced reflective aerosols are also contributing to the imbalance.